Codecrypt cheatsheet


Find the codecrypt’s manpage here:

Key management

codecrypt is able to manage multiple keys/keypairs by assigning names to them.

Generating keys for signatures/encryption

ccr -g sig --name [sign-key-name]
ccr -g enc --name [encrypt-key-name]

The keys/keypairs are stored in ~/.ccr

Exporting public keys

ccr -pa -o [output-filename] -F [keyspec]

-p-is for exporting a public key

-a flag makes ccr operate in ASCII. In that case, you are exporting the public key in ASCII so it was easily transferable(sendable). Without that flag, ccr would export in binary

If you don’t specify the output file with -o, the key will be printed to stdout

-F filters the keys you are working with(the keys you are exporting in this case), only the keys that match the pattern will be exported. The pattern is called keyspec

Importing others’ public keys

ccr -ia -R [name-of-the-file-with-the-key] --name [new-key-name]

-i is for importing public keys

-R specifies the input file, grabs the input data from stdin by default

–name renames the imported key

Transfering secret keys

ccr -P -F [keyspec-for-keys-to-export] > [file-to-export-the-keys-to]
ccr -I < [file with-the-keys]

-P exports secret keys, the “This will export N secret keys! Continue? (y/n):” prompt can be turned off with the -y flag

-I is for importing a private key, the

Rename a key

ccr -m [old-name] -N [new-name]

Delete a key

ccr -x [key-name]

Delete keys that match the keyspec


Encrypt/sign a file

cat Document.doc | ccr -se -r [recipent-key] > EncryptedSignedDocument.ccr

-s is for sign

-e is for encrypt

You can use those together or separately

-r specifies the recipent key name so that only the owner of a private key paired with the recipient key can decrypt the contents. @12345 keyid can be used to specify the recipient too, you can view the keys you have with ccr -k

Also I haven’t figured out how to specify the key you wanna sign the file with, so you’ll have to export the keys you need, backup the ~/.ssr folder, create an empty new one and work with that. Just move the backup folder back when you’re done

Decrypt and check the signature

cat EncryptedSignedDocument.ccr | ccr -dv -o DecryptedDocument.doc

-d is for decrypt

-v is for verify

Hashing (symmetric signing)

ccr -sS hashfile.ccr < big_data.iso

Create a hash file from the big_data.iso file

ccr -vS hashfile.ccr < the_same_big_data.iso

Verify the the_same_big_data.iso file with hashfile.ccr

todo: symmetric encryption